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Are you having any of the following behavior problems with your dog(s) such as:

  • Socializing him/her around other dogs and/or people
  • Possessive over treats, toys and territorial
  • Aggressive behaviors (food, cage, etc.)

If so, then Danja’s Behavior Modification package is for you!  The benefits you will receive from this package are that  you will create a stronger bond with your dog(s), and you will better understand your dog’s behavior, knowing how to read and react to your dog’s body language with the correct response in ALL situations, such as:

  • Learn how to properly socialize your dog(s) around other dog(s) and people (dog parks)
  • Learn how to claim possession over treats, toys and territory
  • Learn how to predict aggressive behaviors before they escalate
  • Learn how to be a Self-Confident Leader and how to be the LEADER of your pack

This package is not only rewarding for you, but it is beneficial to your dog(s).  You will create a stronger bond and relationship with your dog(s).  When a dog is having behavior issues, it is because the dog is unstable.  An unstable dog means an unhappy dog.  An unhappy dog equals and unhappy owner.  Therefore, by learning how to understand your dog’s body language, you will be able to react appropriately to the needs of your dog, which gives the dog confidence in you and stabilization in the pack.  A stable dog means a happy dog.  A happy dog equals a HAPPY OWNER!


EXERCISE | discipline | affection

creating stable, healthy, happy dogs


danja's behavioral modification

(includes Dymond & Spartacus packages)
